Hendro Luhur - Corporate Secretary
Indonesian citizen, domiciled in Surabaya, born in 1966, graduated from the Faculty of Economics, Airlangga University and finished his postgraduate at IEU Surabaya. Since 1990 until 1997 he started working at Public Accountant Prasetio Utomo & Co (Arthur Andersen & Co) Surabaya and his last position was as a Manager. He joined the Company in 1997 and was appointed as a Director and Corporate Secretary in 1998 whereas based on decision of Directors dated June 13th, 2019, the position as Corporate Secretary was extended until 2024
Alberta Angela - Corporate Secretary
Indonesian citizen, born in 1996, graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Airlangga University Surabaya. Since 2020, she joined the Company and in 2021 was pointed as Corporate Secretary based on decision of Directors dated August 5th, 2021.
Roles, duties, and responsibilities of Corporate Secretary (CS) are as follows:
- As Compliance Officer, CS holds the task of monitoring capital market development including its regulations and holds the responsibilities of ensuring the company to run its business without violating related regulations
- As Corporate Communications Officer, CS holds the task of providing information services regarding company’s updated condition and other necessary corporate information that must be informed towards shareholders, investors, public, and other party in a transparent manner. CS also acts as liaison officer between company and Financial Services Authority, and public
- As Advisory Function Officer, CS holds the main task of providing feedbacks towards company’s Board of Directors regarding regulations applied in capital market, as well as feedbacks on company development and Good Corporate Governance

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